Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Totally Cool Stuff Tuesday

I don't exactly like Tuesdays. They just seem to be the day that gets in the way of all the other better ones. It doesn't do much but remind me that the day before was Monday, and the next day will just barely be the middle of the week. At least Wednesday makes you feel like you're at the top of the hill. Tuesday is that 90 degree stretch full of loose rocks right before the top.

Anyway, to combat Tuesdays, I will be posting some totally cool stuff that I know can get me through any Tuesday. Maybe you will find them helpful too, and before you know it, Thursdays, and therefore, Greys will be here!

1. Tia Rosa's Tortilla Bread. I don't have a tia Rosa, but if I did, and she could make this, she would be my favorite relative. We actually found this by accident, and now we search for it every time we go to Fred Meyer, because it is so addicting and soft and basically results in the PERFECT quesadilla.
2. My new NON-APPLE I-ANYTHING MP3 player. No Itunes, no compatibility issues. Just 2 GB of amazing, illegally downloaded music of my choice.
Gosh. That's a big image. Anyway.

3. Wheat Thins/String Cheese combo of champions. Seriously, this is the best quick snack ever. Just enough crunch and cheesy goodness to make Tuesday bearable. Or any day, for that matter. But especially Tuesdays.
= love.

Granted, you're not going to eat the whole box (as tempting as that might be) or a whole package of string cheese, but these were the only pictures I could really find. Oh, and if you're a poor college girl like myself, you'll feel (maybe, kinda, probably not) like you're eating fancy hors d'oeuvres.

4. The Oregonian. It's our only real nerdy splurge here, because we feel it is important to get the news outside of the Corvallis bubble. I adore our morning eating cereal while expertly trading different sections. We have it so we don't even have to look up from our cups of coffee.
5. Arbor Mist. Har har, I know. But frankly, I'm on a college budget and it tastes like a Capri Sun. After a long Tuesday, it hits the spot perfectly. Oh, and to really feel fancy, you could combine a glass of the Mist with the aforementioned Wheat Thins and String Cheese. Think of what a college sophisticate you'd be then! And, while I may look all of 14 in my profile picture, I am 21 and can therefore indulge in the adult version of Capri Sun. Also, I am only posting a picture of three bottles here because those are the three flavors, not to say that I drink three every Tuesday and am headed for dialysis before graduating.

Well, there you have it. This week's totally cool stuff that got me through Tuesday (I just realized it's Wednesday). Tune in next week for a new list!

1 comment:

evantpdx said...

And if you combine the wheat thin/string cheese combo with the Arbor Mist, you have a faux fine French feast! Okay, I tried too hard on that alliteration, but still...