It is rare to find my outside of my apartment without my camera. The great thing about having a point-and-shoot is that I don't have to carry around a suitcase for all my lenses, or wear one of those dorky cameraman's vests.
Anyway, we recently took advantage of a relatively nice evening and walked down our block to a small playground. These are a few of the shots from the small adventure.

I must have taken 100 shots of these swings. I just loved how bright they were.

I don't exactly like the zoo-like feel of this one, but I had to take advantage of the sunburst behind him.

Evan is such a patient guinea pig for my portrait attempts.

After I got frustrated with portraits, I decided to take on some flowers, and felt better about the results, even though it took a few tries to get the flower, the leaves, the spiderweb, and the sunlight all in focus.

There is this lone rosebush that grows out of what I think is the worst soil possible, but the rose that ensues is always just gorgeous. It's as if it's trying to say, "see? this place isn't so bad"

Flowers are soooo much easier to take portraits of than people.

I really liked the contrast of colors here, and the lighting on them was absolutely ideal.

I will pay someone 50 bucks to tell me what these are, because I want to plant a few and then take pictures of them all day.

These used to terrify me when I was little. I hated the idea of standing up and walking on them without any hand holds. I suppose that they were made to improve our balance, and the fact that I avoided them at all costs could explain why I am a huge klutz.
There are a lot more pictures of this afternoon that I would like to post, but frankly, the glacial pace at which blogger uploads them is frustrating. So, if you would like to see more, just head on over to my other time-vacuum, Facebook, and look for my photo albums.
Also, stay tuned, because I have more pictures of more recent travels comin' up in a new post! Yay!
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