Since we were given such a beautiful day on Sunday, the four of us decided to go miniature golfing. It was an awesome way to have fun and relax before us undergrad students settled into our desk chairs to study, and Geoff the grad student headed back up to Canada.

The day started out well. I decided to wear my best golfing polo, along with some yuppie knock off big sunglasses.

Evan also decided to wear a polo as well, although this is not out of the ordinary. He wears one just about every day.

Now, Travis was a sight. This kid only ever wears track pants and OSU (insert some sport here) t-shirts. I literally had to pick my jaw off the floor when I saw him in a polo, khaki shorts, and quite possibly the funniest hat I have ever seen. I think he wins the award for the day in the Exaggerated Golf Attire category.

This was by far the nicest mini golf place we've ever been to. Every little hole has a mini diagram for you to see before whacking your ball into the parking lot. Hole 11, as you see here, has a stream running through it, and, a piece of the turf was missing, to make it tricky.

An Evan, in his natural habitat.

So Travis didn't mind the diagram, and instead decided to rocket his ball into some bushes. Evan, being the good guy that he is, helped him out, while Geoff and I giggled like little girls and took pictures.

It's funny how much one concentrates to get a plastic little ball 4 meters.

This was a tough one. The hole was actually uphill and to the left, plus, there was a giant fake rock in the middle. This was at the top of the little hill. I (light blue ball) narrowly missed getting trapped in the fake rock, while Evan (dark blue ball) was much less fortunate.

Travis taking a shortcut to the next hole.

We couldn't pass up the chance to take a photo next to chainsaw carved bears. Who makes all these? And, how do they all look exactly the same? Ponder, and discuss. Also, notice the funny old man cap on the bear. :)

I'm sorry these are so bright, by the way. Geoff's big ol' thumb moved the setting on my camera to shutter speed, and it was set at a low one, which let all that wonderful afternoon sun into every picture.

Impatiently waiting for me to stop taking pictures and golf. I took this one and was shocked at how bright it was, and then I realized that the setting was off. The guys wouldn't let me take another one, though.

After golfing, we went to McMennamins to grab a drink, and we had a really good time. At the time of this picture, I had no idea what I was in for.
I knew that the pollen was terrible outside, so I made sure to take a Claritin before heading out. 24 hour relief, my a$$. Everything was fine until we got back home, and I rubbed my eye. Instantly, they started watering and I sneezed three times in a row.
It's over, I remember thinking. I've really done it.
Did I ever. I was up sneezing so hard for the next 6 hours, that I went through a whole box of Kleenex and Evan took an emergency trip to Freddies for more allergy meds. I tried everything: taking a benadryl, taking a shower, changing out of the clothes I had worn outside...ugh. The worst part was probably the fact that I couldn't do anything but be miserable. And when I'm miserable, my misery wants company, and it so happens that Evan was in the most cheerful mood ever. He was as happy as a little clam, and for some reason, it infuriated me. Why does that happen? Why, when we are sick, do we absolutely hate the people who can't be as cranky and irritable and sneezy and wheezy as we are? Poor guy. He should be applying for sainthood here soon if allergy season lasts much longer.
All in all, it was horrible. I honestly don't think anything could be worse than that. Maybe like, childbearing, but in that case you get something out of it. All I have today is a raw nose, sore muscles from
sneezing, and a tummy ache from all the medication I took. Maybe it's Karma for being an absolute beast last night. That's probably it.
Anyway. It's time for bed. You can bet that Tylenol Allergy Multi-Symptom tablets made it onto my Totally Awesome Tuesday list!
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