So I lay there and listened to Corvallis waking up, and when Evan finally decided to wake from his hibernation, I squeaked, "Evan! Something bit me on the lip while I slept!"
He squinted at me for a second, then said, "Oh. That's no fun." Then he rolled over and went back to sleep.
That wasn't exactly the reaction I was hoping for. I lay there for a little while longer, now jealous of how easily my boyfriend can fall back into a completely unconscious state in a matter of seconds.
And thus, began my day. There have been things, however, that have greatly improved the day. And here they are:
1. Lipton's Diet Green Tea - Zero calories, and antioxidants, to boot. Plus it is uber refreshing .

2. Realizing that all my finals are online and open-note - This is like a granted wish from the Senior Year of College Fairy.

3. Finally buying my graduation shoes - I spent a good portion of the weekend scouring shoe stores looking for the perfect pair of graduation shoes. I knew that I wanted a wedge heel, and they had to be black, so as to match the rest of my somber graduation attire (black robe, black totally fits the celebratory mood) and whenever I thought I had found a decent pair, the lady would say, "We are actually out of that size, but there is one pair left in Hoover, Alabama (or Albany, Oregon, but either way, it was really inconvenient). Do you think you'll be stopping by there?"
Anyway, I set out this afternoon, determined to find a pair of shoes in my own freakin' city. And I did. Veni, vidi, vici.

4. Knowing that this Friday marks 2.5 years for Evan and I - I love looking back at all that we've come through together, and even more, I love looking forward at what is to come, because I know it will be awesome.

We rule.
Anyway, I set out this afternoon, determined to find a pair of shoes in my own freakin' city. And I did. Veni, vidi, vici.
4. Knowing that this Friday marks 2.5 years for Evan and I - I love looking back at all that we've come through together, and even more, I love looking forward at what is to come, because I know it will be awesome.
We rule.
5. This week's song shall be "Build a Home" by The Cinematic Orchestra. I really like it, and I hope you do too.
Hooray for #4! I love you, Ella! Mwah! I promise to bake you a most delicious cake on Friday. :)
I wore these shoes to graduation:
Also: I like the blog, Mariela! I'll keep tuned in. Consider yourself linked-to!
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