1. Nintendo Wii - I received one of these from my mom and I finally found the time to play it, and I am already addicted. I think Evan, an avid lover of all things Xbox 360, is even warming up to it, especially since his beloved 360 officially bit the dust a few weeks ago. Wii wins!

3. White Old Navy flip-flops - I am putting this on here because they will most likely only be white for this week, and so I will treasure them. I don't know why I do this every year, but I am compelled to buy a pair of $2.50 white flip-flops every summer. They are just the perfect, lazy college student's footwear, because the white color somehow makes up for the fact that they are the cheapest form of footwear available. Anyway, this summer, I resolved not to, only to be given a pair for my birthday. C'est la vie, right? Maybe next year when I'm actually getting a paycheck I will splurge and get a pair of real sandals, but for now, these are wonderful, and still white.

4. The satisfying feeling of getting really cool pictures- I know I've slacked on posting pictures, but it's because Blogger feels the need to frustrate me when I try to post them, and seeing as how I tend to be impatient, this results in my storming away and no pictures ever getting posted. Today, I will triumph.
One would think I was a flower enthusiast or a botany major with all the pictures I take of flowers, but truth is, I have no idea what any of these are. Nor do I care. I separate them out using a, "This one is pretty, this one is not, is this one poisonous?" system.

This is at the Olympic Track Trials in Eugene (or as the clever newspeople called it, "The road from Eugene to Beijing") and this guy was the scrawniest of the bunch. I had my camera on drive mode, and I probably was very successful in annoying everyone in the stands with the constant, click, click, click, click...
The women's 1500 meters. I love their looks of determination. And, extra bonus: seeing them made me want to get to the gym a lot more often.
The three guys from Oregon who are going to Beijing. Okay, I'm going to be honest: I took this picture from the giant screen at the end of the Hayward field. If you can't be down there to take the picture, steal it from the Jumbo-Tron, I always say.
My favorite of the day. It took me 10 laps to get this one.
5. Summer -India Arie - I really like this song, because it's light and summery, which cheers me up when I'm stuck inside listening to cash-flow this and prokaryote that, watching summer go by through classroom windows. I hope you guys like it!
That's all for this week. Next week will be a lot less chaotic (knock on plastic desk) so I hope to get on here more often. Later days!
1 comment:
The one in the middle of the "three guys from Oregon" went to Willamette. His name is Nick Symmonds.
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