So, yeah. I tend to read newspapers, magazines, operation manuals, and menus backwards. Also, when I resume a book, I open it to the last page and work my way to my saved spot (I never use bookmarks, because it frustrates me to no end when you put all your trust into a stupid bookmark and then the damn thing slides out, leaving you to remember the page anyway), and when I take a test, I always, always, start with the last question.

The only one I can maybe explain is the test one. A lot of my upper division classes had the fantastic short answer portion for the last 5 or so questions, and I like to do those while the information is still completely fresh in my mind. I am not a good test taker, and when I get nervous, my brain likes to take a vacation to the Bahamas while I have a small coronary in the non-air-conditioned classroom. Plus, a lot of what professors tend to ask on the short answer pops up again in the multiple choice (or my favorite, matching or fill-in-the-blank) which takes away the anxiety one feels when trying to choose between A or C. Or maybe it's E, which says that both A and C are correct.

It almost always goes something like this. Not pleasant.
I have absolutely no idea why I do any of the others that way. It's not like I enjoy reading the endings to all the articles before I even know what the headline is.Maybe I started thinking about this quirky (which sounds better than just plain ol' strange) routine because I am currently unemployed and was thinking about what sort of unique skills I could put on a resume to make myself more appealing. Alas, this little habit of mine probably doesn't make the list.
I've decided that overall, I don't really like the hiring process. I feel like a resume is just a place for you to flaunt yourself, the interview is where your potential boss measures the real you to the resume you, and the "call-back" step is just to test your patience with other people, because your resume said you were patient.
Which I'm not, by the way. At all.
1 comment:
Everyday I learn more and more about you! I knew about the newspaper and the bookmark that you never use, but the rest were new to me. Cute!
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