Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Human Rights Council of Washington County

So, you may have noticed a sidebar on this blog mentioning something about the Human Rights Council of Washington County. Perhaps you are wondering what on earth that is. I figure I've given you enough time to guess, so now I'll try to explain it as well as I can.

When I moved back to Hillsboro from Corvallis, I wanted to be a part of something that spoke for underrepresented groups in my community. Luckily, I found the HRC, which is made up of all sorts of very intelligent, like-minded people with equality in our community as their (and my) main goal. We sponsor various events around the community that deal with human rights, equality, or even to celebrate amazing people like Martin Luther King, Jr. We also have listening forums with leaders in the community and Oregon to talk about important issues, like immigration, bullying in schools, and hate crimes.

I really adore being a part of this. I feel like I'm making a difference in my community, or at least trying to. I hate seeing or hearing about the ignorance in my community, and feel that it could be so much better if we all just took the time to listen and learn about the amazing diversity our community has to offer.

I am a part of the Human Rights Council for so many reasons. First, I like feeling like I'm being proactive in helping my community grow closer and more accepting of the wonderful diversity around us. Second, I have family and friends in this community, and hopefully someday I'll have children growing up in this community, and I want them all to feel safe and accepted for who they are. Third, I just want to feel that it is possible to live in a community where differences are embraced and celebrated.

I realize that I must sound so idealistic and somewhat naive, but I feel like I'm justified in feeling just tired of all the ignorance and hate in the community. Especially when it's based on such stupid, trivial things that are usually out of one's control. Why does this have to be around anymore? We have so many resources and people available to teach us how to be accepting and reach for equality; I just don't see why so many refuse to use them.

I'm doing my part to try to make my community a better place all around. If you would like to know how you can do the same, please visit our Facebook page, (and "like" us to learn about upcoming HRC events or forums!) or learn more about Human Rights here.

Equality is not an idea we strive for; it's our goal.

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