Tuesday, March 11, 2008

"I am a nice human..."

This morning I had bad, evil, mean thoughts about the guy who was power washing the sidewalk right outside my bedroom window. I am a light sleeper, and it seemed to me, anyway, that this guy knew exactly when I was falling back asleep so that he could crank his power washing thingy to full blast. So two hours of my morning went like this:


Me: sweet, I can sleep again


*cue evil thoughts*

In all honesty, I think humans are the only things that have to remind ourselves to be decent.

Every time this dude did this, I had to make an effort to remind myself that this guy probably doesn't want to be waking me up, that this is his job, and he has to eat too, and who knows how heavy that power washer is. I had to remind myself that I was being mean, and that even at a very early time in the morning, I am a nice person.

Despite my reasoning, I still ended up with less than the optimal amount of sleep, and I wondered if any other thing in the animal kingdom every does this.

Does a lion whose sleep has been disturbed by zebras think: Hey, they're probably nice zebras who didn't mean to wake me. They're probably hungry and the grass here is pretty decent...

No, the lion doesn't. The lion goes out and eats them and then resumes the nap on a full stomach, to boot.

I guess I can't really think of cannibalism as a viable option for resolving my annoyance today. I guess I can look at the bright side of things and think that instead of sleeping, I got some homework done, which I probably would have otherwise put off until...well, now.

Anyway, I'm sorry this is such a useless, bitter-sounding post. I am really a nice person.


evantpdx said...

Unless you're hungry and tired, then you're not a nice person at all. I, as well as your parents, can vouch for this.

anagermarquez said...

I totally agree with Evan...;)

Carl Duzett said...

I predict swift, painful death on the next power-washer to come near your path in the early morning.