Luckily, it's Finals Week here in sleepy little Corvallis, and it means the majority of my (still) college-attending friends have holed themselves in their apartments or the Valley Library to cram 10 weeks of material in 5 days, so I have found myself with a little free time to write.
Before the dreaded Finals Week hit, Evan, our roommate Ira and I had a few fun times.
We actually decided to have our own Thanksgiving, a week early. We are always out of food anyway, and this way, we figured, we'd have a lot of leftover food to keep us until the actual day of Gluttony.
What's more funny is that I don't cook. Not at all. Maybe toast, if I'm feeling inspired. But, I did manage to make our mashed potatoes. I'm not sure the boys trusted me with anything else.
Evan made apple pie from scratch, and it was fantastic. I did, however, make the apron in a sudden burst of craftiness.
The next two are just of the wonderful fall colors we get the pleasure of seeing everyday outside our apartment.
More posts to come! Including one where I had another sudden and unexpected attack of craftiness!
1 comment:
Your mashed potatoes were delicious. :) And we did trust you with more, we were just home all day and were able to devote a few hours to cooking. I am glad that my pie turned out well, I was *really* nervous about it. I didn't want to poison everyone. :(
Can't wait to see what you have to say about our next crafty escapade. I can only imagine the sarcasm.
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