So this weekend, we decided to have a nice picnic lunch at our favorite park here in Corvallis. It's pretty much the epitome of the small town park, surrounded by big trees, a church, a small art museum, and the City Library. The weather was ideal, and we were celebrating the fact that we had somehow dragged ourselves out of bed to go for a morning run. I, of course, took my camera, and the following are just a few of the shots from the wonderful afternoon. I'm sorry they aren 't in any sort of order; I don't understand this blogging stuff well enough yet and for now, all my pictures have a mind of their own and appear in whatever order they want. 
These flowers were braver than us, and confronted the 93 degree weather face-on.

These flowers surround the park, and while I have no idea what they are, I thought they were lovely, and smelled amazing.

My love. He might not be as pretty as the flowers, but he does smell nice.

More of the mystery flowers.

I was going for a serious look here. Obviously, I failed miserably.

I really need to buy some shorts for 92 degree weather. I must have looked so odd with jeans on. I always laugh at how giant Ev's feet look compared to mine. Oh well, I can wave with my little toe. Beat that, bigfoot.

Flawless day. Well, except that big tree would blow all of it's little seeds on us with every decent gust of wind. We just took it as another grain to add to our 12-grain bread.

This is probably my favorite shot of the day. He probably has this view a lot, as he is my favorite guinea pig.

I'm sorry this is so far away; there were wedding pictures being taken, and I started snapping before I realized I was probably breaking some cardinal photography rule

For some reason, I adore this picture. There's no real technical quality, but those expressions are priceless.

The standard faces smushed together portrait.
We stayed at the park for over an hour, then realized that it truly was too hot for our pale and sensitive Oregon skin, so we walked back home. On our way, though, we saw some cool stuff, and you can be sure that I took pictures. Gosh, I'm like a tourist in my own town. All I need is the fanny pack.
All in all, it was a great afternoon, and I loved how good it felt to soak up the sun and bask in the shade and comfort of each other's company. Although we do live together, we don't have a lot of "us" time, meaning that school, stress, volunteering, and various errands keep us running in different circles until dinner-time. Then it's homework or reading until we run into each other again as we brush our teeth before bed. It just lets us savor those rare moments were we aren't full-time students with a ton of responsibility but instead, a lazy couple in love. Mhm.
1 comment:
Awww... very nice pictures!
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