Well. It's been a while since I've posted, and I wish I had a decent excuse, like a really high-powered job, or kids, or moving to an exotic island and realizing there is no internet.
But, to be honest, my real reason is that I've just plain gotten lazy. I've had ideas, but then something happens, and I want to post about that, but there's this twang of guilt that I won't be posting about the former thing and well, it is a vicious cycle.
That's why I am going to try to cram everything that's happened in one post that (hopefully) won't bore all six of you to tears.
Which will be tough, since I haven't posted anything since we made gingerbread houses and they have gone the way of the dinosaurs and Pauly Shore's film career.
I think what I will do is a "yay" and "nay" post, because they seem to be the most energy efficient, and we're all about being green here in this household.
Yay to having Christmas Break start a few days early.
Nay to Corvallis apparently thinking we don't need the roads cleared and that we still can use horse-drawn sleighs to get around.
Yay to taking the chance to walk around Corvallis and realizing that it looks like an old timey Christmas card during the winter.
Nay to losing my debit card and driver's license in the stupid snow while sledding.
Yay to the amazingly nice lady at Wells Fargo who heard my story through my hysteria and let me have an emergency card.
Nay to realizing the emergency card only had 60 bucks on it because I couldn't provide a form of ID other than my OSU student identification card.
Yay for stores that have special sales for people like me who leave Christmas shopping for the 23rd.
Nay to dealing with students who have had three weeks of vacation and have somehow forgotten everything taught to them the 3 months prior.
Yay to watching Obama's inauguration and experiencing such a monumental moment with my students.
Nay to the other teacher in the room who promptly turned off the inauguration because he voted for the other guy.
Yay to also being able to attend Carl's wedding reception back in Hillsboro and see him be so incredibly happy.
Nay to realizing that yes, my friends are getting married, having children, and getting jobs and are, by most accounts, adults, and therefore (gasp!), so am I.
Yay to coming back home to Corvallis and settling back into our routine and being able to play with our new Christmas goodies. One of which was this amazing book of the classic Life portraits. Best part about it: it comes with actual prints that I can put into nifty frames!

(don't actually click on it to look inside...)
Nay to a newfound aversion to snow. It snowed this last weekend, and when I saw it peacefully falling outside my window, I moaned and said, "Ugh, more?"
Yay to the sun finally coming out again and being able to go outside again and not fear breaking an ankle. We went to Eugene for the day recently and went to 5th Street Market and Prince Pucklers, the best ice cream in the world. Even Obama has been there!

Nay to not actually being there when Obama stopped by.
Yay to at least being there with Evan, whom I have had the pleasure of spending three wonderful years with. He is an amazing person, and I hope to share many, many, more years with him. Especially if we can still stop by Prince Pucklers.
Nay to Corvallis School District for announcing that their budget will be utter crap for the next two years, which means I probably won't be working at Linus Pauling Middle School next year.
Yay to seeing this as an opportunity for us to move back up to the Portland area where we would be closer to our families and friends, along with the fact that Ev and I would probably have a better chance of finding a teaching gig, what with there being more than one district nearby. Also, a major plus: not walking out the front door and being instantly hit with the smell of 3,000 cows. No, really. It happens.


Nay to leaving all the kids that I have gotten to know. I really don't know how teachers can watch their students leave their grades year after year. I get all sad and teary just thinking about it. I've already promised to come visit them in high school.
Yay to most apartments in the Tanasbourne area allowing pets bigger than fish! And that have fur!
Nay to being allergic to most things with fur, resulting in our probably having to buy something with "doodle" in it.

well..they're not
that bad...
Yay to having a fish meanwhile. And he is the coolest fish in all the land. His name is Osiris and he was my reward for surviving an uber cold that had taken over my sinuses and made me its minion for a week.

I call Ozzie for short.
Nay to having a cold so severe that when I tried to go to work, my coworkers took one look at me and said, "Sweetie, we don't mean this the wrong way, but you look horrible. Go home and sleep." And this was after I had taken two Dayquils. At least I got Ozzie out of the whole ordeal.
Yay to finally catching all 6 of you up on what I've been up to. I hope you guys haven't given up on me, and that you have not totally gone comatose after reading all this. I will try to be more consistent with updating this so it's not a manifesto every single time. Here's to February, more adventures, and hopefully more blog posts!