I was wearing it in class yesterday, relaxing in my sheep management (don't laugh) class, happy that it had been washed and smelled clean. Then, I looked down after dropping my pen, and I realized: this thing is gross.
Proof of the grossness.
I mean, the sleeves are threadbare, and have acquired a gray tinge (they should be white), there are random spots on it that have simply become permanent residents on the shoulder and front. The little Champion logo had fallen off, leaving a blue stain, and there was a mysterious pen mark right under the "Oregon State University" lettering, which, by the way, has gone from a bright, vibrant orange to a pale, rusted color. I had just washed the thing (okay, Evan had just washed it) and here it was looking like I had dragged myself to class on my stomach. Oy.
So, I know what I have to do. I have to delegate my favorite sweatshirt to weekend status, possibly only painting status. As stupid as it sounds, I can't believe how hesitant I am to do this. This sweatshirt has been with me through it all. I wore it the first day of college, I wore it through my first hardcore breakup, I wore it while I moved in and out of apartments. It's been through a lot with me.
But let's be honest here. It didn't keep me warm anymore, because the slightest breeze could blow right through it, and it wasn't comfortable, due the fact that the feel-good fuzz had worn off. So I was wearing it for the mere fact that we had history. It was comfortable and safe. Maybe, with the demotion of the sweatshirt I can also break free from other things that I have just settled into. Maybe I can move away from the safe and comfortable and onto new and exciting things in my life. Maybe this is a sign that I need to take those steps.
Now, the only question: should I get a new sweatshirt to take with me on my new adventures?